What’s In the Content Hacker Academy Press Release Writing Workshop?
This press release writing workshop is a one-hour class written and created by Julia McCoy. It comes complete with Julia’s entire press release writing templates and downloadables, used to train former communications majors to become online PR writers. This class is focused on helping you build real, proven, tangible press release writing skills in the shortest amount of time possible. Video content is written and taught by Julia McCoy. All video content, templates, and student workbooks unlock immediately when you enroll.
Made for:
Agencies & Teams
Learn the skill of press release writing so you can offer it as a service in your agency. Ask your boss to secure seats so your content team joins in this workshop and everyone builds this skill. Bosses, you can charge and pay more by having access to this new skillset!
Marketers can learn how to write press releases with this workshop, which includes Julia’s templates and in-depth advice on how to write a press release that will get accepted. This is perfect for the single solopreneur, marketer, or entrepreneur ready to learn this skill.
Looking for ways to get your brand in front of a wider audience?
You might have thought of writing a press release.
But the truth is, it’s not easy.
Maybe you’ve tried it. Maybe you’ve sat down and typed together a few sentences. Maybe you’ve even completed a news story and sent it over to a reputable PR site.
The problem, though?
Most press releases get rejected.
(It’s that tough.)
If you miss out on a single detail in your press release, it’ll be ignored or even rejected outright.
The question: is there a proven formula for press release writing that ensures yours get accepted every time?
(Hint: there is.)
The Truth About Press Releases
(And Why Yours Aren’t Working)
First things first.
Should you even be writing press releases?
If you know a little about the history of SEO, you’d probably say “no.”
You see, way back in the dark ages of SEO, press releases were used as a spammy tactic to get backlinks to a site.
It worked like this:
- You wrote a press release and sent it off to a PR site.
- It got published.
- Since you embedded some links back to your site in your news, you got free backlinks.
Sound sleazy?
It is.
That’s exactly why this tactic no longer works. (You can still mention your website in a press release, but it’ll probably be a no-follow link which won’t help your ranking factors one bit.)
So, should you quit writing press releases?
Yes, if you’re writing them for sleazy SEO reasons.
But there’s another reason to write them, and you’ll love it:
Brand exposure.
That’s right!
Here’s a sneak peek into the exposure you can get if your press release gets accepted by even one major publication like eReleases:
- 7 million contacts…
- 700,000+ of whom are bloggers and social media influencers
- 900,000+ of whom are journalists
- 4,000+ of which are syndicated submission sites including
- Major news outlets such as ABC, The Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and NBC
I know, it sounds exciting.
However, remember this.
Not all press releases are created equal.
So if you’ve already been hard at work producing one newsworthy article after another and everything has been rejected so far, it’s because you haven’t mastered the specific framework that gets press releases accepted by major outlets.
It’s true.
Your failure so far isn’t because you don’t have the writing skill. It isn’t because you don’t have the determination. It isn’t even because your news sucks or the publication thinks it won’t appeal to their audience.
It’s simply because you haven’t mastered the rules of compelling press releases that get accepted every time.
Press Release Writing: Go From Zero to Compelling Major PR Sites to Accept Your Press Releases
Quick question.
What if, in only one hour, you could go from wasting a ton of time writing a press release that’ll only be rejected…
…to knowing the exact framework and rules that have gotten thousands of press releases accepted by the best PR sites out there?
Honestly, it’s not even that hard.
I mean, you already rock at content creation.
You already have the passion, determination, and persistence that leads to picking up new skills quickly. (I 100% believe this because hey, you defied the norm and started up your own online business, right?)
Now, all you need to do is learn the formula for press releases the best PR sites are looking for.
(Hint: It’s nothing like blog writing.)
So, are you ready to reach millions of new people and win thousands of leads with a press release that gets accepted and published?
If yes, you’ve come to the right place.
Press Release Writing: My One-Hour Workshop Teaching You the Formula of Successful Press Releases
Want to get the formula for press releases that get accepted?
I’d love to share it with you.
That’s exactly why I created the Press Release Writing workshop.
Inside, I give you the exact framework and steps you need to write a press release that submission outlets will love.
And no, I won’t throw a 500-word textbook packed with generic advice at you. I won’t repeat stuff you can read for free online.
None of that.
Instead, I’ll show you the exact formula we’ve used again and again at my content agency, Express Writers.
Does this formula work?
You bet!
In fact, the 3,000+ press releases we’ve written over the years have had a 100% success rate.
And in the workshop, I’ll guide you as you write your own press release following the formula we’ve proven again and again to work. Inside Press Release Writing, I’ll show you:
- Why we have a 100% press release success rate
- The voice you should write in, in all your press releases (miss this, and you end up sounding either stuffy or unprofessional)
- The writing style major PR sites look for (what to include to look professional)
- The word limit you should stick to in your press releases (hint: the rules are totally different from other types of content writing)
- The critical ingredients you need to form a newsworthy headline
- The top rules you need to follow to avoid being ignored or rejected by journalists and PR publications
- How to generate leads for your brand through press releases (nope! it’s not through sleazy backlinks)
- An easy formula you can use to position your brand in a great light
- How AI can help you save time by formulating a quick press release draft
- The best PR publications you should submit to
- And much more!
I created these workshops with you in mind. The marketer. The entrepreneur. The freelancer selling a service.
I created them to be a personal experience and a road towards real skills for you.
That’s why I’ve included a workbook, a downloadable press release template that follows our special formula, examples, and guidelines all geared to take you straight to your goal.
In only one hour, you’ll learn how to write compelling press releases that get accepted, every time!
Hi! I’m Julia McCoy, and My Agency Has Written 3,000+ Press Releases Accepted by Major PR Sites
At my content agency Express Writers, one of our services is press release writing.
Our clients come to us to have press releases written, we do the work, and they send in what we write for approval.
Do they get accepted?
You bet!
In fact, we’ve written over 3,000 press releases over the years. Since we began, we’ve had a 100% success rate and many happy clients.
So yes, you can go online and read a ton of blogs on how to write press releases.
You can pick up tips and tricks along the way.
You can wing it, writing one press release after another, hoping that along the way one of them will “accidentally” be accepted.
Or you can set aside a single hour of your time to learn the formula that has worked over 3,000 times for us at Express Writers.
Case Study: New Traffic Streams from a Single Press Release
Right now, you might be asking, “Will a single accepted press release really be worth the effort?”
“Shouldn’t I stick to blogging or posting on social media instead?”
My answer: blogging and social media are awesome, but one winning press release is enough to make a huge difference to your traffic streams.
What Students Say About The Content Hacker™ Academy
A Sneak Peek into the Press Release Writing Workshop
When you enroll in the Press Release Writing workshop, you’ll get instant lifetime access to the one-hour training workshop. You’ll also get a downloadable workbook, a template, examples, and everything you need to get the success you dream of with press releases.
Here’s a quick look inside the workshop:
- Introduction video. I give you pointers on what to expect and how you can best use the workshop
- The Rules, Rhythm, and Template of Writing a Press Release. Learn the formula my team at Express Writers uses to get a 100% success rate with major PR sites.
- How to Use AI to Help You Formulate a Basic Press Release Draft. AI is meant to help, not replace you. In this video, I guide you on how to use my favorite AI tools to help you speed up the creation of your press release draft.
Which PR Submission Outlets to Use. The top PR outlets you should submit to, plus the ones you should stay away from.
Press Release Writing: Learn How to Write Press Releases that Get Published (Workshop)
When you enroll in Press Release Writing, you’ll get instant lifetime access to the one-hour training workshop. You’ll also get a downloadable workbook, template, guides, and everything you need to master press releases so you can get new streams of traffic and leads to your site.
- 1 module & all the guides, references, worksheets
- Learn the secrets behind press releases that get accepted
- Powerful, in-depth one-hour workshop by Julia
- Lifetime private student group with access to Julia
- Lifetime community & workshop access
The Content Hacker™ Satisfaction Guarantee
We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. We want you to take zero percent of the risk — we’re taking all of it! But, this workshop isn’t for students who plan to binge-watch all the videos and download all the materials, or simply get their toes wet and “see” without commitment, then decide to ask us for their money back.
To receive our 100% money-back guarantee, there is a requirement: you’ll have to study the whole workshop and complete all the exercises. If you put serious work ethic into it and still don’t see improvement in your press release writing, you’re entitled to a full refund.
That being said, I’m super confident this won’t happen. When you go through the course, watch the videos, and do the exercises, YOU WILL learn how to write press releases that get accepted and bring in streams of new traffic and leads to your site. Guaranteed!
Cheers to you! See you on the other side of success – Julia